Who I am and why I’m here–written by Kaagre Gunnarsson

6 things about general theory of relativityHi everybody. So this is where everything starts.

I m a 56 year old scientist working with environmental engineering  but  I also has an unexploited interest in writing fantasy and exploring thoughts that might lead to new ideas for both me but also for other people. My natural language is Swedish, but my blog pages will be as far as possible on both English and Swedish.

My interest to write has always been there, I think it was brought to me from my grandmother Hanna, she was a natural borne storyteller , and she could talk instantly for hours ‘about old times in Norwegian before the wars but also what happened during the wars. I was to small to understand but it was very relating so sit by and listen to the stories, even if I never  understood fully who was who, and why the Germans and Russian were dangerous, in  Norwegian , the Russian was ‘ryssen’ and the German were  ‘tysken’.I always mixed up who was tysken who was rysken and which war she discussed.

My Grandmother came from Lofoten , that are islands  far in the north on the coast of Norwegian, in the mid night summer land. She moved far south to Värmland in mid Sweden , but she always kept an eye on what was happening in her original country. And here stories was a way to keep everything that happened before but also was happening today alive for her children , there husbands and wife’s and to the grandchildren.

So  why do I want to spread my stories around the world? I don t fully  knew the motives of my grandmother, but I think there were different motives, I think she wanted to really keep nice things  that happened to here as she was young alive by telling us about old times, but also I think she wanted us to get an bigger perspective, this happened then, this happened now, how are things connected. A third motive which might have been to keep the family together. Unfortunately my grandfather Tage died when I was only four year old so I just have vague memories of him. But I knew that he as many Swedes moved to America to visit an uncle when he was 16 until he was 19, in hope for a better future, this must have been between 1914 and 1917, he went home to Sweden to avoid getting involved in the first world war.

And her I m sitting 100 years later trying to formulate my motives to write…

To some extent I think the motives are the same as for my grandmother, I try to put words on things that happened long time ago to keep them alive and also I think I want to keep my family and friend together in the same way as my grandmother wanted. But there is a third motive that I have that I don’t know where it come from . It might come from my grandfather Emanuel , my mothers father, whom I never met  but have heard alot about he was a religious man working as officer in salvation army and my mothers mother was also  officer in salvation army. I ‘m not a religious man myself but I  deny that there are a lot of things that people do not understand.

I’d like to finish my introduction by citing the following words from one of the 20th Century most cited physician, a true genius, but also accidently, the fathers of the atomicbomb, although he was a great pacifst:

“We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many different languages. The child knows someone must have written those books . It does not know how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangement of the books but doesn’t know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God. We see a universe marvelously arranges and obeying certain laws, but only dimly understand these laws. Our limited minds cannot grasp the mysterious force that moves the constellations.

– Albert Einstein.”

If you are interested to learn more over Albert Einstein I recommend the following sides

Enstein-father-of atomic-bomb

Einstein general theory

Author: onthegonewsblog

I m a scientist and a beginner writer that plans to write stories that are both fictive and real. Topics are future of mankind, technologies for a better future and stories about our past. For instant, what happened with my relatives that went from Sweden to America in the end of the 19th Century ?

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