Gorb ´story about when the world collapsed

  Chapter  1

I met Gorb when I was out on a jog in the summer.

We ran next to each other a lap or two, and he told his story of how it came about that he ended up in Upplands Väsby.

“Gorb, what you tell sounds unbelievable, is it really true?” “Yes as true as I am a gorilla” Gorb answered.

“But why didn’t you narrate your story ?” “Well,” replied Gorb, ” as you might notice I have quite big clumsy fingers so it’s hard for me to write down the story, and when I try to tell it most people don’t bother to hear the story to its end. It’s looks like I  have the appearance against me; many people actually get scared of me. But Kaagre Gunnarsson, couldn´t you write down my story?”

“Well, I could try” I answered.

 Ancient castle of Runsa in Upplands Vasby May 6, 2026, Sweden

Seb, Josh and Kriych had managed to get the order of their hut on top of the cliff overlooking. It had a perfect view over all access roads across the water that surrounded them on three sides.

runsa-forborg-fran-luften-3d-fixadThanks to  their readings of a lot of adventure books in their childhood and that they now also recently come across a copy of Defoe’s classic Robinson Crusoe, they had received a lot of tips on how to survive without civilization. They had learned to put nets and putting up a fence for goats into a meadow. Around the house a few chickens pecked. Unlike Robinson they didn’t t read the Bible, but a stack of tattered Phantom comic books lay in a heap in a primitive built shelf. Seb was thinking about the times when he was young before the collapse, how easy everything had been. When he was twelve, he was a promising star in the local football team. He daydreamed  about the simple days filled with butter breads and chocolate milk. But now almost everyone was dead, the football coach, teammates, parents, siblings, schoolmates. Yes of all those he had known were now only Josh and Kriych left. Kriych had also been in the football team, he was a center-back who never gave up even if they remained below with 10-0. The three of them had been immune, if it was against radiation or microbes or both they didn’t know.

“Guys,  something  floats down there”, shouted Kriych. Between sallow and willow twigs, which just received mouse ears, glimpsed indeed a raft. It was a properly secured construction consisting of about ten rough debarked tree trunks, each perhaps four meters long.


In a bunker in Amerika


Kvacke Klump woke up. A new splendid day for America, he thought for himself, and could not avoid smiling towards his own black humor. He was alert, although he approached 90 years. He had been giving response  when Gorb ben pressing the red button nine years earlier. It had been the beginning and the end of the world war three. Actually he  could be remembered by history as the president that finally brought peace on earth –again he chuckled for himself. They had been 10,000 survivors down there in the bunker. But today they were only 3,380 remaining. All selected had not been of the right stuff ; but now  they put all put their hope to ‘operation Bird Fenix’.


The guards at the library

Monday’s meeting was just starting and Primus filled the coffee maker with dried chicory roots, to this would be offered freshly baked scones with goat cheese. Sichus and Anitra were also there, now they only waited alderman Axel. Anitra uploaded the power generator with the small hand crank, and then snapped on the old crystal receiver. It crackled through the air. “Sigtuna are you there?” “We are here and we have also received Enköping.” “Good,” said Anitra, “we are just waiting for Axel.” Through the large panoramic windows of the library saw Anitra Axel come walking in the company of his herding dogs Burrow and Flash. “He is coming now.” They talked about the weather, about the chicory coffee and longing for real coffee beans. In Sigtuna was Rosetta and Siv receiving and in Enkoping Ibrahim and Erika. Now also Axel settled down at the conference table. The guards were gathered. Axel spoke. “Our scouts have found that the radioactivity has decreased, but they have also noticed that the Skrudror become increasingly active in  our surrounding. I have been told that they have kind of a training camp for new recruits in to the south by Lake Mälaren at Ängsjö.”Rosetta answered” unfortunately the Skrudror in Sigtuna also very active and they seem to be extremely well organized. ”



Here Gorb puffed out after a quick sprint up a steep hill.

“It was an exciting story,” I said, “What happened with the Skrudror? Did they attack the library’s guards?”

“Well it is a bit complicated,  I tell you more the next time we meet, shall we take a round already on Wednesday?” asked Gorb, “top” I replied.

Chapter 2

On Wednesday, I pulled on my slider shoes as usual in the afternoon to go jogging when it belled on the door. Who could it be? Outside the door grinned Gorb happily against me, “time to exercise again, it is good for the beast within you, you had not forgotten our appointment?” asked Gorb. “Hum no, not at all,” I replied, easily confused and surprised that Gorb found the way to my home. “Couldn’t we take a bike ride instead of running” asked Gorb. “So I could show you the cliff where Seb and his colleagues built their fort, do you have a bicycle? “” Sure” I replied. Gorb set off on his old gearless cycle bike with great speed and I had to fight properly to keep up with, though I had a modern ten speed bike. ” Do you know “Gorb shouted loudly to drown out the sound of the bicycle chains clatter and the wind,” my wife thinks I’m a real culture monkey, she says it is ten times better than being a culture man.” “OK, I understand, I answered,” though I was wondering a little what kind of lunatic I had met. We stopped and puffed out after biking from Runby out west along Mälar road, then swung right onto Cairo road after one km and biked four km past the Cairo bath, the riding school in Sättra and the castles tree alle and then stopped to take a breather at Runsa Castle. “Do you want to hear the continuation of the story now,” asked Gorb. “Of course,” I replied.

An offer

In the bow of the raft sat an old woman, in any case, thought Seb, Josh and Kriych that the woman seemed ancient. “Hi guys, my name is Liv. I bring Peace and Love.” She burst into a toothless smile and showed at the same time a large piece snuff. “Very nice chewing tobacco, do you want to switch to fish?” She moored rigging the raft at a birch trunk. She looked once more at the guys and  laughed. ”You were all a great team, It doesn´t look like you seen a comb in years. Do not stand there staring, but invite an old woman to your campfire and I’ll tell you this and that from the big world. I belong to the spiritual descendants of the Indians”, said Liv.”We want to reinstate the old wise methods to work the land that the Indians used. This applies to reverence creation and to not work with life destructive energies; we call it to avoid linear thinking. Otherwise we may end up as the last time once again. Over in America is now the bison beginning to wander freely in growing herds and  now we want to start with bison in Europe as well. Boys, you would be perfect as a game warden, I promise you that you will get a beautiful squaw if you join us.”Seb, Josh and Kriysh promised to think about the offer  until  next full moon, ie in two weeks. They were then  invited to an entrance examination at Ängsjö, the test would  probably be easy for the boys because they were already accustomed wilderness people, but for safety’s sake they could borrow a tomahawk to practice with. Liv thanked for the fish and the friendly chat, and said she hoped to see them soon again . “Don’t forget that each of you will get a squaw if you join us”. With a laugh Liv jumped  into the raft and soon she was beyond the cape.


Help from above

The day passed slowly by as usual, Kriych and Josh emptied the fishnets, mended and dried the nets, cleaned the fish and began to smoke it. Seb fiddled with an old radio that he had found down in the ruins at a place called ´skopan ´, or bucket. In the afternoon Seb  suddenly gave a shout of joy. “Guys, it works.” Kriysh and Josh interrupted quickly their chores. Seb screwed on the receiver until he received a channel yelling out Russian military music. Seb continued to  search for the next channel,  and out of the blue a clear bright voice talked to them. “Buenos Dias  — Guten Tag–Bonjour– Nihau–Dobroye Utro – People of earth, we have been observing you for more than two  millennium, and now we decided that it is time again for us to help our younger brother , because you really got into big trouble. A long time ago we were the proud inhabitants at the red planet that you name March; it was a blue planet with clear sky, beautiful flowered trees, butterflies, green hills and a beloved home. Now we have to survive  deep underground in dark caverns. 2000 years ago we sent a missionary to you, his name was Jesus from Nazareth, but what did you learn from him? Didn’t you kill your brother in his name ? Your Viking ancestors called him ‘white Christ’ and  choose to follow him only to be victorious in war. ”

Here began the  Martians to understand that the recipient really was the Viking descendants they had been searching for and now changed to an archaic Swedish. “You Asatru proud men of the North, the Norns sewed a powerful mighty net for your fate and without our help you are now inexorably stacked in it, but there is a way out; We planted a long time ago the mistletoe in old deciduous trees, it has a healing ability which  the ancient druids knew, but this knowledge has unfortunately been lost. When you  touches the  mistletoes leaves it is capable of changing your minds “. Here stalled verbiage for a while to then continue, “I have now registered your position, take you to the ‘Wolves Trap’, where the mistletoe closest to you are to be found, but hurry up its urgent.”


Holy Maria and the Martians ´spaceship

Chapter 3

Gorb and I walked together up to Runsa Ancient castle. On the way up to the lookout point, we passed a large stone ship. Wow what was this ? The stone ship consisted of large flat stones, some erected on edge, but some fallen aside, forming  the contours of a 55 meter long ship.” This is part of your ancestors the Vikings graveyard , it is  more than 1,500 years old”, told me Gorb, ” they imagined that the buried people could travel further into the realm of the dead, Helheim, and they buried  beside them weapons, ornaments and  urns with food so that they would be well equipped when they arrived.


“I thought the dead Vikings went to Valhalla after death, where they could sit and eat and drink mead. “I argued. ”You are right, but only the true warriors and the powerful chiefs arrived at Valhalla”, said Gorb,” they could fight each day with the giants, and they died and rose every day, and every night they had a party and ate the pig Särimner and other food. But not  all the death went to Valhalla, Hades was divided into nine kingdoms, and the dead people went to  various kingdoms but all waited for the last fight, Ragnarök, to occur and for those who came to Helheim, ie those who died of old age and / or illness it was not so merrily, according to legend, because he entrance to Helheim was guarded by maiden Modgunn so that no one could  get further. To get thing worse, Giant Hraesvelg, the body swallower, sat on the edge of the world and looked down on the Helheim. In the form of an eagle he got the wind blowing by flapping his wings. I can quote some of  the Edda  poem for about  the final battle of Ragnarök, so you better understand how they might have been thinking

Now Garm howls loud before Gnipahellir,

The fetters will burst, and the wolf runs free;

Much do I know, and more can see

Of the fate of the gods, the mighty in fight.

Now do I see the earth anew

 Rise all green from the waves again;

The cataracts fall, and the eagle flies.

And fish he catches beneath the cliffs.

These poems were actually  written by Snorri Sturluson in the 13th Century on Iceland, ie long after Asatru was superseded by Christianity, and it sure feels that if he took part of the stories in the Bible  and transformed them into the Edda sagas , just take this with  the  firs man and woman, Ask and Embla,  living in the giant tree  Ygdrasil, , quite similar to the names Adam and Eve. In fact we don’t know what tyour ancestors really thought back in the 5th century, much of what we learned about Asatru is simply an after construction written by Snorre much later; so what the people who buried their deaths really thought we  will  probably never know. “Gorb finished his little exposition.” But now let me continue my story over  the big collapse.”

Return Again –the last Indian chief

His grandfather had been Sioux chief Sitting Bull, who won the battle of Little Bighorn in 1876 after managing to collect both the Sioux and the Cheyenne, but though this victorious battle the Indians had after this been banished to live in the reserve on the white man’s sufferance. Like his grandfather, he had as child been called ‘the Jumping beaver’ because he been a very  happy and witty child  but later on he had taken the name ‘Return Again’, ie the same name as his grandfather’s grandfather had taken after successfully returning from a raid on an enemy tribe.


Return Agains ancestor Sitting Bull

Return Again was not entirely satisfied with his violence Sioux ancestors; he would really rather been a  more peaceful Hopi Indian if he could have choose, but today he had taken to his heart the best from many different Indian cultures, and in his old days he had now started to talk about the ‘true way of life’ , his thoughts  were based on centuries of wisdom  gathered from his ancestors how we  should relate to the creation. Return Again was  almost 100 years old but still ‘fit as a fiddle’. To be that fit he saw almost like a punishment from the Gods, because during the last ten years he had been forced to witness how the white man with help of atomic bombs and plague had killed most of his proud tribe of Indians. Today they were only 30 left. In addition, the white man in his folly now distorted Indians wisdom. The Sioux were in the late 19th century seduced by a medicine man called Wovoka, who preached about a new kingdom to come, in which   the Indians could go living as before the white man arrived. This new kingdoms would come after a final battle after which the white mans civilization would perish. Wowoka practiced spirit dances in order to get in contact with ancestral spirits ; through this contact the final battle should get in progress. Ancestor Sitting Bull had thought Wovoka was a charlatan who misunderstood most of the old wisdom, but despite this, he had once participated in a spirit dance, and it happened that he got arrested for sedition and put to jail. Sitting Bull  resisted and in the fight that followed both he and his son, who was Return Agains grandfather, were killed. And now Wovokas spirit dance religion had been embraced by the surviving American soldiers in the bunker; as a part of their plan to dominate the world –by creation of a new human being through breeding and genetic manipulation.


Now Gorb and I  had walked all the way up to the mountain views, it was an impressive view that greeted us.   We could well imagine that the Vikings had been living up here, and it was also possible to envision how Seb’ and his friends had  built there hut here. “It was an exciting but gruesome story you told me,” I said. “But it is a bit difficult to really understand how it all fits together.” “Calm, just calm” Gorb said, “everything will be explained. If you wish I can go at once  and tell   you more over the collapse of mankind?  But you have to keep in mind that this story is only one of many possible scenarios… But for  me this was what happened”. “Of course,” I replied “Please go on with the story.”

The civic house in Upplands Väsby may 2026

The civic house of Väsby included the former high school, a cultural center and a library. The house was like through a miracle almost intact and the library’s security guards had taken pride to guard the house so that it  never would be plundered or destroyed. The guards had decided that this was the place where they would  live  their lives and also that they should preserve the stored knowledge for future generations. All digital media was unfortunately inaccessible, but they hoped later on to able to bring life into the old computers. It was urgent to preserve and disseminate all the knowledge of human technological and cultural achievements during thousands of years  to avoid having to reinvent the wheel again. Especially books on ancient crafts and technologies had already come into great use. To produce electricity they had   built simple hand powered generators, in that way they could use old radios,  coffee makers and toasters. Overall they were about 40 guards and their families living in the house . The guards had the rule that as far as possible avoid violence, but they must nevertheless constantly be on guard against robbers. Therefore ten of the guards were always on watch ,equipped with rifles, sticks and hurling stones to counter a possible enemy.  What was really worrying was although that no new children were born after the atomic bombs were dropped. After the bombs only  a few had  survived, and after the bomb a dangerous  epidemic broke out.As an estimation only 10,000 remained alive  in  Sweden,  about as many people as there were in the Stone Age a few thousand years earlier. Those who survived excelled not from those who succumbed, they were of all ages, skin colors  and gender However, a genetic analysis should probably show that all survivors had a gene that protected against both the radiation and the disease. But it turned out that two individuals with this genetic could not get children together. Stockholm City had been hit by a direct hit and the entire town all the way out to Sollentuna,  5 km south of Upplands Väsby, had been totally erased, and in the zone outside there had been strong radiation. In 32 days the survivors couldn’t  see the sun and many off them had also suffered from the plague. The civic house survived completely intact, and the few remaining people in Upplands Väsby had like magnets flocked there. During the dark days before the sun returned they had consoled each other by reading aloud in lights from torches and candlelight. Actually it was during those dark 32 days in the glow of flashlights and reading aloud of Mio my Mio, Robinson Crusoe, Dante’s Inferno and the Iliad the ‘movement of hope’ has taken shape. They promised each other that they would fight on, one day at a time, to rise from the ashes , to create a better society from the ruins. It was important to preserve all the beauty that had existed in the old civilization, but never, never succumb to the senseless barbarism again.nya-messingen-fixad-bild


Gorb and I were standing silent between each other and looked out over Lake Mälaren toward the old city Sigtuna.” It looks like it is a thunderstorm on its way, we are better getting on our bikes soon as possible “ said Gorb,”.We might have upset God of thunder, Thu, by visiting this place ”, I joked to Gorb. ” Hu, you’re a hell of storyteller, maybe you tell the continuation, joked Gorb back. ” No chance,” I answered,” this is a too complicated story to be told by anybody else than you”.

Chapter 4

On Sunday morning I was awakened by a violent honking outside the door.

What is it for a madman not respecting the Sunday peace?

Outside stood an American car very much resembling Marty Fly’s car from back to the future.

“Good morning, I’m sorry if I woke you up,” said Gorb. “Do you want to hang on a trip to Ikea, I can tell continuation of the story on the way there.”

“Wow what a car,” I said, “it looks very similar to Marty Fly’s car DeLorean DMC-12 “It’s not looks alike, but it’s just that  car”, Gorb answered.

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“Don’t lose your head its just a car”, said Gorb and laughed against me.

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We sat down in the car and let us whisked of away on Mälarvägen, past Eds church in the direction of Ikea in Järfälla.

Wild bees return

After the great catastrophe the bees had vanished completely. Alderman Axel therefore became extremely excited when he saw the little bees buzzing and humming in the wood above the old outdoor swimming bath in Cairo on his search of a runaway sheep. By following them a bit up the hill that sloped down toward Lake Mälaren he found the nest in the middle of a willow bush. Axel saw that the bees already started to build up the nest again after hibernation. This was a miracle.

Just in this hillside was it once planned to build houses, plans halted by a group of environmental campaigners who brought with them the people’s will in a referendum. Probably thanks to the rescued trees, the bees could come back.

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Wolf Trap

The Wolf Trap is just like the name suggests a pit where previously wolves were captured. The pit is constructed so that the wolf unsuspecting go out to catch a tethered goat, but on top of the pit is only a thin layer of pine boughs, then the wolf falls down and cannot get up.

Axel had continued to look after his stray sheep. On the way north, he saw several more wild bees. He also found that there were an unusually large number of flowers in the forests. Wood anemones, bluebells and also occasional cowslip buds but also more unusual flowers like lily king bed and yellow anemone.

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Quite close to the wolf trap his fears came true; he saw the leftover of his sheep lying on the ground. Axel hided himself carefully behind a bush. To his surprise tripped soon three small wolf puppies until the sheep carcass. This was good news, even though it was sad with his sheep Dolly. Wolves, dogs and people had shown to be sterile after the disaster. How came it then that the wolves could get kids here? His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of branches that were broken. Three young men approached the wolf slowly. Axel was surprised to recognize the three boys as his grandchild Seb and his two comrades. “Hello Seb,” I frightened you were dead. “Hello Grandpa what a relief to see you again.” They hugged each other. Axel also greeted the other guys, “what happiness to meet you all again  after all these years and that everything seem OK with you. The last time we saw each other was at the football match in the fall of 2016 when Upplands Väsby met Vallentuna at home”, it had been a great victory; Kriych had made three of the four scores för Upplands Väsby.”It was one of our first matches with nine man football team” remembered Josh. “Guys, what brought you here to the wolf pit?”Seb told the story about the Martians. “But,” Axel joined in, “do you really believe in little green men? Certainly someone wanted to joke with you.”A growl interrupted them; she-wolf had come back.” Calm down” said Axel. “We will not hurt your puppies.” The wolf looked at them as if she understood. Then she gave a little howling and hurried down into the pine forest closer to Lake Mälaren. “I think she wants us to follow her.” Almost by the water  the she-wolf stayed and marked a small rowan tree with a  stream of urine, then she turned abruptly and ran quickly back to her puppies. Axel and the boys went up to the rowan tree. And indeed ; in the tree grew mistletoe. ” I suggest we touch the mistletoe  to see what happens”, said Seb , but they were not alone in the wood. From behind a tree emerged suddenly a creature soundlessly in its moccasins.

“Liv what are you doing here” asked Kriych. “I went here looking for herbs that I need for the spirit dance. Down here at the beach should silver cinquefoil uses to be found . But what do I find instead if not a whole lot of men advertising themselves in far distance ; whether noticing when  the wolf comes sneaking or when  the dangerous Indian woman with   her tomahawk creeps up on them.”Liv gave up an infectious laughter.” But what have you found here, mistletoe?” The boys and Axel hesitated if they would tell her the secret of mistletoeor not, but after exchanging some quizzical looks told Seb that mistletoe was said to have a mysterious healing power.


Contact with the spirits

They stood in a circle around the small mountain ash and gently touched the mistletoe. They first felt nothing, but after a while the mistletoe unfurled its leaves and an etherian oil was released. They experienced a euphoric feeling, like the feeling you get in the spring when the light returns and the flowers and leaves reappears. A weak brittle tone from a grassland horn was heard and suddenly toned  the Indianchief ‘Return Again’ appeared right next to them. The aged but handsome Indian chief had put on his finest attire,the feather ornament and the wolf fur which he inherited from his great-grandfather and he also wear all his auspicious amulets: the eyes of the eagle, the pride of the bison, the cunning of the prairie wolf and the strength of the bear. They now  sat all together at Return Agains camp fire. A peace pipe was passed around, and the acrid tobacco burned into their lungs but still felt refreshing. “We have gathered because we have been selected to set things right ‘Return Again’ said solemnly. In the night the wolf spirit came to me  and she told me to meet you by the old campfire , were mine ancestors always used to meet.” ‘Return Again’ told the story of thee Phoenix project that the resisting white men now had started. It was a sinister plot to exploit the Indians ‘old traditions to lure people into a breeding program where it was planned to build the new man who would create a ruling class and a servile serving mass. Right now Kvacke was on his way to Upplands Väsby dressed like an Indian in borrowed feathers; he should meet the Skudror at Ängsjö and then bring  the young Skudror  woman  back to his bunker to create the new man. Liv was shocked when the truth came to light; she had not imagined that behind the project phoenix hid the same man who had almost been wiping out the mankind totally. It was a remarkable experience to sit around the campfire; they experienced a constant stream of images of dancing Indians and also a strong sense of being in a mighty flood of millions of bison on an endless prairie. Far away in the distance appeared craggy peaks and beyond the dust of the many hooves appeared a red sun descending in the west, but at the same time there was a yellow sun rose in the east.

Slowly woke Axel, Liv, Seb, Joch and Kriych up out of the trance. What was it that they really  had experienced? Axel was the first to break the silence. “I have in all my life been a dedicated scientist and nothing that I  have experienced before has shaken my belief that nature is logically structured with its  various laws of nature which determines our living conditions. I have never imagined that there could be a spiritual dimension such as  animals talking  or telepathic contact on distance, but now I am convinced that there is other senses that  I never knew before.”

They now pondered long and hard how they could avert project Phoenix in the best way.andekontakt-fixad-bild


When we arrived at Ikea Gorb asked me to put on a monkey mask. “So we look more alike.”, he explained. We went up the escalator to the main entrance. A guard came up to us and asked why we were  dressed like monkeys. Gorb explained that we were dressed to advertise the new jungle collection on the children’s ward. “Check with Ingvar Kamprad, if you don’t believe us.” The guard glared a moment at us and thought about if he should call and check it up, but then he resigned and said “that sounds good, but do not steal any bananas in the restaurant.” Once inside Gorb went quickly to the  bed department and lay down in one of the most expensive Sultan de lux beds. “Here Kaagre, lay in bed next to me and I will tell you more.”

Spirit dancers

Seb, Kriych and Joch had been practicing with the tomahawk to throw and to carve symbols in a dry stem  they thought looked like a totem pole. Now the big day was here. They tried to comb their unruly hair. They washed themselves with water and a primitive soap they made from white ash mixed with water, plantain, mint and lemon balm boiled dry on the glowing fire. They paddled down to Ängsjö in a canoe which they had taken from the old canoe club in Cairo and landed at the old swimming area.

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It was completely silent. Suddenly, they saw some young women who swam in the water a few tens of meters from where they landed. The women swam completely naked and walked up the beach, but cowered themselves with bathing towels when they greeted the boys. The boys tried to steel themselves not to look at half naked women. “You are awaited,” said one of the women. “We have prepared all day for you to come. My name is Siv”, said one of the girls”, and I am Vivian, ‘Peace and Love with you'” said the other girl and continued”, we will go up to the green hill, please follow us.” The guys went curiously after the girls, perched on the hill they were met by Liv and a girl who called herself ‘Injured Crow’ because she had hurt one leg and had made herself a pair of crutches. Liv took up oil and a kind of loincloth of deerskin that the boys would change into. Once back, they would be painted in different colors that The Skudror had  created themselves; ocher, black and indigo. Injured Crow started painting Kriych, Siv painted Joch and Liv painted Seb. Thereafter anointed Vivian into the three boy’s one at a time with an ethereal oil. She started with their faces and then anointed their backs and chests. A murmur of  voices could be heard giggling without equal . Up the hill came ten Skudror going, all dressed in loincloth and none of the them used bra but showed their beautiful breasts proudly. The boys were a bit shocked; this was not quite what they  had been expecting. “Here boys, drink,” Liv held out a large bowl filled with homemade mead flavored with herbs. The boys drank. They immediately felt more comfortable after the good mead ran down their throats. As on a signal the women started to sing a slow monotone vocal. They started rocking in rhythmus to the monotone song, after a while they started a  slowly dance in an undulating ring around the boys. Liv now stood in front of Seb. “You will now be initiated as Skudror, tonight it is particularly solemn because the full moon is coming and we call this feast for seed feast. It is important that none of the holy grain is lost. “The women sang in a slow anthem.” O holy seed fill all of us tonight so we can once again populate the earth with Adam’s sons and daughters, Ask and Embla siblings and ye spirits on the other side in the happy hunting grounds, be with us tonight and blow up your spirit in the fertilized eggs so life will spirit in the new man all his days. “Now the women began singing with ecstatic rhythm.” Yes, tonight will the new man be born and ‘operation phoenix’ will get  a different route than Kvacke thought. Miscalculation for Kvacke, when he arrives, we are all already mated. “Seb felt like in a very bright and welcoming sea, yes  he would like to stay here for all his life. The full moon shone now strongest in the sky. “Now you are admitted as real Skudror for ever “, said Liv, “I think probably most of us become fertilized, but for precaution, it’s probably best that you come back in a month.” Siv and Vivian and Injured Crow followed the boys down to canoe. There, they kissed each other goodbye fondly, ie Seb kissed Siv, Joch Vivian and Kriych the Injured Crow. The boys had just as promised received a squaw.karawari-cave-art.jpgKarawari, Papua New Guinea’s unique cave art and rainforests. Photo by: Lucas Sorge


Gorb got up from the bed and said,” perfect suspension, soft and flexible, I want this bed, now let’s go to the restaurant to see if they really have bananas today. After that I will make a detour to the bath in Ängsjö on our  way home, if you have time , so you can get a little better idea on how The Skudror lived “.”Why not,” I answered.

 Chapter 5

After the election in November 2016

Kvacke and Pjotr the Great of Russia had found each other directly when Kvacke installed himself as president January 20, 2017 at the White House. They met a few times at Kvacke’s ranch in Oregon and Pjotr the Great’s castle near St. Petersburg. They ate well and enjoyed themselves as befitted two kings. It was during this fraternization the ideas to redraw the map of the world began to take shape. Pjotr complained, sipping on  a 100 year old Bourgogne wine, about the high costs to keep his vast kingdom united.”For instance”, slurred he drunkenly to his friend, “Siberia is larger  than any other country in the world, but it is completely worthless, the population doesn’t bother at all what we decides in Moscow”. “No,” said Pjotr I am European, and  I would rather let Siberia fend for itself.” It was at that moment that  Kvackes’ bestial plan took shape. “I help you to get back Eastern Europe, and to this you get Scandinavia and Denmark and we Americans take care of Siberia”,he suggested his friend. “I want Greece too,” said Pjotr. “Top,” said Kvacke, ”Cheers on it.”

Next Tuesday, Pjotr sent off his entire Baltic fleet to Gotland, supported by nuclear-armed aircraft. On Wednesday morning was the Russian flag hoisted in Visby, the capital of Gotland, without that a shot had been fired. From Gotland it was easy to access the Baltic states, Stockholm and Helsinki; Russian paratroopers deployed along the northern coasts of Sweden and Finland, no NATO airplane appeared so far as the eye could reach. Kvacke had kept his part of the agreement. Siberia was then invaded three days later, on Saturday, February 12, 2017 by friendly troops without identity flag, the troops consisted by half of Yankees and by half of Russians. In every city that was captured was the American flag raised to the accompaniment of briskly percussion and brass band music. In the street corners were large tables set up where both vodka and American beers was served and to this  big Texas steaks interspersed with steamy Borscht soups. But the two croniest had completely forgotten that in Siberia the Mongols had ruled in everlasting times and never acknowledged themselves defeated by some stupid Russians, let alone they wanted to be ruled by some American cowards who could barely ride bareback.


Gorb got up out of the bed; we walked past the restaurant and took one kilo of bananas and then went and collected Gorbs Sultan de lux bed. Somehow we managed to budge up the bed on the delorean car roof and then we drove off in the direction of Ängsjö.

The Mongols on go

To celebrate the successful castling Pjotr had gone away over a long weekend to his newfound friend Kvacke so that the two could entertain themselves royally. They had rented Disneyland one day for themselves together with their families and security guards, the next day they would go gliding over Niagara Falls and wrestling with bears, the last day they would ride the rodeo and then finish the evening with blues at Jill’s porch. Bright times, glorious times thought Pjotr as he sat on top of Disneyland’s main attractions, roller coaster ‘Donald Duck’ as his security guard reached him a mobilephone, you better take this. “Pjotr here”, said Pjotr into the mobile.


On the other hand handset he heard the familiar voice from his friend Dependlör stutter “they refused to stay and now they are here.” “Who are they?” asked Pjotr irritated.” The Mongols”, answered Dependlör. Pjotr heeled in a sharp turn and almost lost the mobile “Where are they?” he asked harsh. ”On the Red Square, there are 1300 pieces of tanks besieging Kremlin “, whispered Dependlör. Once down on the ground, it was busy times for Pjotr. The Mongols, or more correctly, the Mongol faithful, had been shown to form more than half of the Russian military in Siberia. When Pjotr ordered troops to pull back to the west of the Urals they had obediently obeyed orders, but because they had not received any further orders once they reached Ekaterinburg but to take it easy for a few days in anticipation of new orders, they thought they could take the opportunity to enjoy themselves on their own in the capital now when the housemaster was out of town.kreml-fixad-bild

Bag astray

Pjotr took advisable hold of the situation. It is true that now the Mongols occupied the Kremlin but Pjotr was still in possession of the portfolio with the codes for nuclear missiles … at least one of them, he recalled, the other was in the safe custody of his confidant squire bear hugger Ugor Batu whom he met first near the border to Mongolia, where the two had camped together for a few weeks for drinking vodka and chasing bears.

Poor Ugor, he was now driven by divided loyalties. On one side his good friend Pjotr that he had been drinking vodka together with so many times had called and asked for help with the portfolio. But on the other hand the Mongols, that were part of his blood, had been waiting for this moment for centuries. What should he do with the portfolio given to him? He put down the small portfolio in his newly acquired backpack. I get to go to Moscow; I take the train so I can calmly think through my opportunities. Comes time, comes advice, as his old mother Baba used to say. Accidently his dear wife Nina bought two identical backpacks, one for Ugor and one to their beloved son Ivan.


Gorb braked the car so that the pebbles whirled on the large parking lot at Ängsjö. “Come and I will show you some fun ” cried Gorb. We went together to a playground where Gorb eagerly jumped on a cable car that was stretched between two trees. “This fun I did certainly not have when I was detained at the zoo, it really was a low-budget zoo. You might want to hear more of the story?” “Yes, tell me more,” I said eagerly, for now the story really managed to capture my interest.

At the zoo

Murphy’s Law, that says that the jammier a sandwich is the greater the chance is that it will fall with the topping side down, now occurred. Ivan was on his go to a class trip to zoo for studying animal behavior. He packed fruits and a chocolate bar in his backpack and hurried off for the bus. The ethology lesson went quickly. Ivan was lucky because he had been privileged to sit in the monkey house  studying gorillas along with Irina. Ivan had always secretly been weak for the ruddy girl with her infectious laughter and beautiful eyes. After two hours carefully recording of the apes duties, Irina suggested them to go out and buy ice cream. “Perfect with a little break,” said Ivan, “Let’s go out in the sun for a while .” Gorb, the male patriarch noted that the young people now went away but that the boy had forgotten his backpack. It smelled pleasant from the bag. Gorb thought it was better to investigate this bag further. He took a stick and coaxed the bag closer to the cage so he could reach it with his fingers. He easily pulled the fruits  out of the backpack, but also something shimmering  caught his eyes. A small  and thin silver portfolio, sparkling with tiny glass beads, law in the bottom of the pack. Gorb could not know that  what appeared as  glass beads in fact were diamonds. He fished out the portfolio from the bagpack and then easily slippedit  in through the cages grille. After a little tinkering, he opened the portfolio. Inside were pushbuttons similar to the plates zookeeper usually entertain him with when they teached him to press different symbols to get  candy. Eagerly Gorb pressed on the buttons on the screen. The thingumajig began to whiz and whistle, and the screen lit up. A voice spoke to Gorb “General Björk here, are you sure your coordinates are 1: 0: 1?” Gorb muttered something inaudible. Björk interpreted this as a positive answer, but he thought Pjotr looked unusual gorilla like today. Yes indeed even more than usual.


Gorb and the Mongols

After Gorb printed on the missile firing button the atomic war started. Anti-Missile systems also started but a stray bomb accidently hit Pearl Harbor on Hawaii. Neither Kvacke or Pjotr or anyone else in the atomic club pleaded themselves responsible but once Pearl Harbor was hit no diplomatic efforts in the world could prevent the continued escalation. The smart fast computers  was started and played fast their simulated traits they practiced 1000’s of times, the only small difference was that this time it was real missiles that was fired.

Ugor Batur was sitting on his train to Moscow when the sky lit up by a great light. That was strange. How could thunder weather appear in February? Ugor reached for his backpack to take out his thermos of coffee, but what was this, a book by Konrad Lorenz of the Primates love life. Aha, Ivar had probably happened to put down his book in his bag. Ugor was looking for his portfolio, but only got hold of Ivan’s sportswear. Could Ivan accidently  … more didn’t Ugor have time to think before the train was swept away by a blow straight up in the air as if it were a glove. Simultaneously Gorb were sitting in his cage and began to get tired of his new toy. Except from the appearance of a pale young man with a big hat  nothing exciting happened; no food shot up out of hidden compartments. Gorb threw irritated the portfolio away, but just then a belated result of his assiduous pushing on buttons came. The ground and everything shook and trembled, and the monkey house fell to pieces. Gorb was fortunate to have a strong frontal bone; he rose from the destroyed monkey house and stepped out of his cage like a free monkey.


“This is the way it happened when I let out of that miserable prison. I don’t think you can imagine the happiness I felt, moving freely again after all the years in the cage. Unfortunately this happened to the price that I started a nuclear war, but I hope you’ll forgive me. I’m still just a gorilla and could not have any idea what a strange portfolio I had in my hands.”

 Chapter 6

A submarine is loaded

HMS Ambush is a 97 meter long nuclear submarine that can accommodate 98 men. It can during its expected 25-year lifetime travel around the world several times without going up to the surface, atomic motor driven systems can purify sea water into drinking water while producing oxygen. It had served England for seven years 2017, but when the war broke out Kvacke switched to the submarine boat with the promise that 150 admirals and other high military in the English fleet together with their family could to stay in the US atomic secure survival bunker. The submarine had a top speed of 29 knots per hour and was moving silently as a dolphin despite its weight equivalent to 65 blue whales. The trip computer was set to Uppland Väsby, Sweden, ie 6663 km in a straight line and in about six days the submarine would arrive. In the submarine some of Kvacke´s closest collaborators were gathered together with scientists and engineers, and even though they were 100 meters below sea level, it was now the operation phoenix soon would fly.Ubåtesbild-fixad.jpg

Gorb rising through the ranks

Gorillas were not affected either by the radiation or bythe dangerous microbes that hit the man. When most people now disappeared, there was suddenly very ample space for the gorillas. The gorillas that had been living in captivity were now free, and because they were used to stay with a roof over their heads they moved into the abandoned homes. Gorb chose the mayor’s palace with its large orchard. Gorb certainly did not know that he was in his way of becoming a very important monkey who both started the war but also later would help to finish it. But Gorb understood very well that it now was the time of gorillas’ that were far more intelligent than people ever understood; behind Gorbs wise gorilla eyes moved also a very alert mind. Gorb analyzed various options. He knew that arms and horses was what people in all times been using to consolidate their position of power, so he decided to join the Mongolian army. By chance he found a brand-new uniform outside the mayor’s palace, the fate of the owner was uncertain, but Gorb understood that the owner not needed the uniform anymor. Wearing his fine new uniform with shiny silver buttons and a stately captain hat, he went eagerly to the nearest barracks and told the man in the reception, “uff uff”, the assistant perceived that Gorb searched voluntary enlistment which indeed was the case. ”We need a captain for operation Desert Storm,” said the assistant, again Gorb said “uff urff.” In race of one day Gorb now had first found an army uniform and thereafter were assigned both a horse and a crew to shout from the rooftops orders over.



Gorb and I stood at the top of the mountain at Ängsjö, it was a very hot day. “Last one in the water is a coward” shouted Gorb and quickly rushed down to the swimming area and I realized at once that I was defeated.

Mirror World

If you draw two lines against each other they should meet somewhere. But if you travel on one line, and the friend you should meet is traveling on the other line, it is not at all certain that you ever meet. She might have been walking here line several days earlier. But imagine there are time pits on the lines that changes your time. Then you could accidently meet yourself in the crossing points. However, this happens so rare that no more than one person in a thousand is affected by these happenings. But the rest of us can sometimes also get a deja vu feeling, but our moments are usually very brief and disappear before we have time to remember what actually happened, very much the same feeling as when WAKINGup from a dream. Axel’s theory was that this effect could be reinforced by two oscillating mirrors if these were placed at the time pits often found near ancient settlements on high cliffs. Probably had the ancient people been able to use these sites to get a better view not only of the room but also in time. runsa-fornbor-fixad-bilds-med-spegling

Battle of Runsa Ancient castle

Together they prepared now the hedging of all lines of defense. In east below the mountain slope got Kriych and Josh command over of one of the giant mirrors. And at the top of the rock prepared Seb and Axel the second giant mirror, the mirrors were synchronized by a long copper cable. The sun was shining from a cloudless sky so the conditions were the best possible. “If we sum up our plan,” said Axel.” We expect that the Mongols to come riding in the direction from the old road pasting the bath by Cairo tomorrow and approximately at the same time, we expect the submarine with Kvacke to approach the bay outside Cairo. Both gangs want to be first to the wolf den. Our friends in Sigtuna have promised to warn us when Kvackes submarine comes by. When they call up by radio we have about fifteen minutes time. We will then give the signal further to the  Skudror  so that they can start their spirit dance.”

Upplands Väsby – where colorful gorilla meet

So, now approaching two pretty incredible troops each other on the two lines. The Mongols with a powerful force of three hundred horses with wild riders led by the living legend ‘Gorb the Terrible’, known to be able to tear his enemies into pieces (even though he never made this, but it appeared from his bestial countenance that he was capable of this)in the first line. On the second line approached a submarine running in 29 knots per hour with the periscope and manhole visible above the surface as it passes Sigtuna. Both are seeking to once again be powerful and mighty. And it is really not  due to malice that they want to destroy each other. No, their behavior is caused by a built-in logic that has been following man since the Stone Age´s first caveman stuck down his neighbor to get  his food and woman.  But Gorb was not thinking of anything else but to have an adventure and at the same time collect as many gorillas as possible to create a new better life without the man. Right now he was sitting on a poor horse leading the wild Mongolians, who didn’t drunk other than fire water  the last three days. Just in this moment started the Skudror their remarkable spirit dance and Axel and the boys started their oscillating specular reflectors that caught the sun’s rays so they focus on the periscope on Kvackes boat. A notable bump in the timeline was achieved this way and Kvacke threw away four kilometers to suddenly land in a small lake called Fysingen. How strange, nothing looked familiar, Kvacke saw a number of curious Vikings in all ages that looked curious at the steel plate thingamajig and the kids waved happily against Kvacke that silly smiled back. “Welcome, gods from the sky said one of the Vikings.” Kvacke was happy, he was finally able to meet his idols, the Swedish sing group ‘the Vikings’, he remembered he learned to dance bug to their song ‘for the sake of your blue eyes ‘ a long time ago. It was at the Vikings time that his grandfather emigrated from Sweden to the United States, or if it was from Switzerland? He had told so many lies in the past year that he did not know for sure which of the stories were true anymore. When ‘the Thorleifs’, another famous Swedish singing group came up and sang ‘Cry no tears for me’ for Kvacke and his collaborators that they all felt like in heaven. For Gorbs and his Mongols things went better; they just flung a few meters to the side so that one of the horses lost their footing, Gorb fell off and hurt himself slightly. But there in the middle of the southern Väsby close to Bollstanäs outdoor sports stadium he saw Godzilla, a beautiful gorilla woman left behind by a traveling zoo nine years earlier. Gorb now realized that real happiness does not come from being a riding mongol commander, but more from the joy that a peaceful family life can give you after many long days travel. He imagined that he  now no longer was just a monkey, but also a man and he knew since long time how to make a fire. The couple took over one of the fancy beach villas and Gorb put up a new sign over the door, ‘Väsby – where colorful gorillas meet! ‘In the garden there grew many beautiful roses, this was truly’ the place where the roses never die’,(Also a famous song from the Vikings). The poor Mongols became quite bewildered, who stood next in rank after Gorb, according to ancient Mongolian tradition, this must now be determined in a series of complex duels. But first they camped to drink some tea, they then occasionally happened to  notice that they had come to a strange place, the  scenery was full of little roe deer, wild boar piglets were running around, and all-around there were butterflies, flowers and bees. It was probably at that moment they stayed up and decided to settle in an abandoned old house that had previously been thrift store bucket in Runby, not far away from a store called ‘Hemköp’ that still had the sign left on its only remaining wall.


Gorb dropped me in front of my door. ” It was an amazing narrative story Gorb, I promise to write it down so  more people cat take part of it. But I have a question; how could it happen that you are here today in 2016 but at the same time can remember things that happened 2026 , which is 10  years ahead? ”  “Didn’t you ever  read the special and the general relativity theories that Albert Einstein wrote 100 years ago?”Gorb asked.” If you  been studying  these writings more carefully you would know that certainly nothing in these theories opposes us to travel in time. “Sure but there’s a paradox with time travelling”I replied, “if everyone traveled in time how they wanted, there would be no order of cause and effect and basically, I could be the father to myself, which of course not is possible ?””No, but according to the latest theories this universe is only one of all the possible universes” replied Gorb while he happily grinning drove away with his Deloran, gone at the corner of the street he  honked loud a few times and waved through the window, then he was gone.

Return Agains last trip

Return Again was happy but exhausted after the trance and sat therefore for a while at the smoldering fire. Suddenly he saw a raw of his ancestors come walking, his great-grandmother and great-grandfather, his wife who had died several years earlier, also archaic chiefs that he had never seen before, all greeted him with the reverence that the seriousness demanded, they were now all part of the Indians happy hunting ground. In the endless grass widths he saw animals of all kind grazing peacefully of the juicy grass. Here he would have a good time.


Epilogue: Chicago November 6, 2016

Outside an election local in a snowy Chicago Ted Bronx and his fiance Matha stood frozen and watched on a giant television monitor on one of the walls. Kvackes happy Nuna and his hair pomade appeared there. “Bless you America; I hope you do not choose this woman, she has not been able to satisfy her husband, how will she be able to satisfy America? No, there is a need for a strong man to restore America’s place in the world, do not let the Chinese take your jobs … “Suddenly it all became too much for the overloaded electrical system, a stopper went somewhere and the fault propagated through the city’s myriad  of power lines, it was perhaps best to go home now, they could of course vote tomorrow instead of voting in advance at the post office as they had planned. Home in the apartment was it dark and no TV to stare at.”Matha” whispered Ted, ” yes”, she answered, Ted continued, “I got a strange shuddering feeling when I listened to Kvacke, I had intended to vote for him, but there is something that don’t go together- I actually think it can go ‘straight danger to to the spout turn’ as my grandmother’s sister from Småland used to say. “Matha said she also had some doubts, “but Ted now we think of something else than the election.” They crept along under the bed covers and about nine months later gave Matha birth to a shapely female child who she named Rosa.Chigago skyline-fixad bild.jpg