Gorb’s story, part 6


A submarine is loaded

HMS Ambush is a 97 meter long nuclear submarine that can accommodate 98 men. It can during its expected 25-year lifetime travel around the world several times without going up to the surface, atomic motor driven systems can purify sea water into drinking water while producing oxygen. It had served England for seven years 2017, but when the war broke out Kvacke switched to the submarine boat with the promise that 150 admirals and other high military in the English fleet together with their family could to stay in the US atomic secure survival bunker. The submarine had a top speed of 29 knots per hour and was moving silently as a dolphin despite its weight equivalent to 65 blue whales. The trip computer was set to Uppland Väsby, Sweden, ie 6663 km in a straight line and in about six days the submarine would arrive. In the submarine some of Kvacke´s closest collaborators were gathered together with scientists and engineers, and even though they were 100 meters below sea level, it was now the operation phoenix soon would fly.Ubåtesbild-fixad.jpg

Gorb rising through the ranks

Gorillas were not affected either by the radiation or bythe dangerous microbes that hit the man. When most people now disappeared, there was suddenly very ample space for the gorillas. The gorillas that had been living in captivity were now free, and because they were used to stay with a roof over their heads they moved into the abandoned homes. Gorb chose the mayor’s palace with its large orchard. Gorb certainly did not know that he was in his way of becoming a very important monkey who both started the war but also later would help to finish it. But Gorb understood very well that it now was the time of gorillas’ that were far more intelligent than people ever understood; behind Gorbs wise gorilla eyes moved also a very alert mind. Gorb analyzed various options. He knew that arms and horses was what people in all times been using to consolidate their position of power, so he decided to join the Mongolian army. By chance he found a brand-new uniform outside the mayor’s palace, the fate of the owner was uncertain, but Gorb understood that the owner not needed the uniform anymor. Wearing his fine new uniform with shiny silver buttons and a stately captain hat, he went eagerly to the nearest barracks and told the man in the reception, “uff uff”, the assistant perceived that Gorb searched voluntary enlistment which indeed was the case. ”We need a captain for operation Desert Storm,” said the assistant, again Gorb said “uff urff.” In race of one day Gorb now had first found an army uniform and thereafter were assigned both a horse and a crew to shout from the rooftops orders over.



Gorb and I stood at the top of the mountain at Ängsjö, it was a very hot day. “Last one in the water is a coward” shouted Gorb and quickly rushed down to the swimming area and I realized at once that I was defeated.

Mirror World

If you draw two lines against each other they should meet somewhere. But if you travel on one line, and the friend you should meet is traveling on the other line, it is not at all certain that you ever meet. She might have been walking here line several days earlier. But imagine there are time pits on the lines that changes your time. Then you could accidently meet yourself in the crossing points. However, this happens so rare that no more than one person in a thousand is affected by these happenings. But the rest of us can sometimes also get a deja vu feeling, but our moments are usually very brief and disappear before we have time to remember what actually happened, very much the same feeling as when WAKINGup from a dream. Axel’s theory was that this effect could be reinforced by two oscillating mirrors if these were placed at the time pits often found near ancient settlements on high cliffs. Probably had the ancient people been able to use these sites to get a better view not only of the room but also in time. runsa-fornbor-fixad-bilds-med-spegling

Battle of Runsa Ancient castle

Together they prepared now the hedging of all lines of defense. In east below the mountain slope got Kriych and Josh command over of one of the giant mirrors. And at the top of the rock prepared Seb and Axel the second giant mirror, the mirrors were synchronized by a long copper cable. The sun was shining from a cloudless sky so the conditions were the best possible. “If we sum up our plan,” said Axel.” We expect that the Mongols to come riding in the direction from the old road pasting the bath by Cairo tomorrow and approximately at the same time, we expect the submarine with Kvacke to approach the bay outside Cairo. Both gangs want to be first to the wolf den. Our friends in Sigtuna have promised to warn us when Kvackes submarine comes by. When they call up by radio we have about fifteen minutes time. We will then give the signal further to the  Skudror  so that they can start their spirit dance.”

Upplands Väsby – where colorful gorilla meet

So, now approaching two pretty incredible troops each other on the two lines. The Mongols with a powerful force of three hundred horses with wild riders led by the living legend ‘Gorb the Terrible’, known to be able to tear his enemies into pieces (even though he never made this, but it appeared from his bestial countenance that he was capable of this)in the first line. On the second line approached a submarine running in 29 knots per hour with the periscope and manhole visible above the surface as it passes Sigtuna. Both are seeking to once again be powerful and mighty. And it is really not  due to malice that they want to destroy each other. No, their behavior is caused by a built-in logic that has been following man since the Stone Age´s first caveman stuck down his neighbor to get  his food and woman.  But Gorb was not thinking of anything else but to have an adventure and at the same time collect as many gorillas as possible to create a new better life without the man. Right now he was sitting on a poor horse leading the wild Mongolians, who didn’t drunk other than fire water  the last three days. Just in this moment started the Skudror their remarkable spirit dance and Axel and the boys started their oscillating specular reflectors that caught the sun’s rays so they focus on the periscope on Kvackes boat. A notable bump in the timeline was achieved this way and Kvacke threw away four kilometers to suddenly land in a small lake called Fysingen. How strange, nothing looked familiar, Kvacke saw a number of curious Vikings in all ages that looked curious at the steel plate thingamajig and the kids waved happily against Kvacke that silly smiled back. “Welcome, gods from the sky said one of the Vikings.” Kvacke was happy, he was finally able to meet his idols, the Swedish sing group ‘the Vikings’, he remembered he learned to dance bug to their song ‘for the sake of your blue eyes ‘ a long time ago. It was at the Vikings time that his grandfather emigrated from Sweden to the United States, or if it was from Switzerland? He had told so many lies in the past year that he did not know for sure which of the stories were true anymore. When ‘the Thorleifs’, another famous Swedish singing group came up and sang ‘Cry no tears for me’ for Kvacke and his collaborators that they all felt like in heaven. For Gorbs and his Mongols things went better; they just flung a few meters to the side so that one of the horses lost their footing, Gorb fell off and hurt himself slightly. But there in the middle of the southern Väsby close to Bollstanäs outdoor sports stadium he saw Godzilla, a beautiful gorilla woman left behind by a traveling zoo nine years earlier. Gorb now realized that real happiness does not come from being a riding mongol commander, but more from the joy that a peaceful family life can give you after many long days travel. He imagined that he  now no longer was just a monkey, but also a man and he knew since long time how to make a fire. The couple took over one of the fancy beach villas and Gorb put up a new sign over the door, ‘Väsby – where colorful gorillas meet! ‘In the garden there grew many beautiful roses, this was truly’ the place where the roses never die’,(Also a famous song from the Vikings). The poor Mongols became quite bewildered, who stood next in rank after Gorb, according to ancient Mongolian tradition, this must now be determined in a series of complex duels. But first they camped to drink some tea, they then occasionally happened to  notice that they had come to a strange place, the  scenery was full of little roe deer, wild boar piglets were running around, and all-around there were butterflies, flowers and bees. It was probably at that moment they stayed up and decided to settle in an abandoned old house that had previously been thrift store bucket in Runby, not far away from a store called ‘Hemköp’ that still had the sign left on its only remaining wall.


Gorb dropped me in front of my door. ” It was an amazing narrative story Gorb, I promise to write it down so  more people cat take part of it. But I have a question; how could it happen that you are here today in 2016 but at the same time can remember things that happened 2026 , which is 10  years ahead? ”  “Didn’t you ever  read the special and the general relativity theories that Albert Einstein wrote 100 years ago?”Gorb asked.” If you  been studying  these writings more carefully you would know that certainly nothing in these theories opposes us to travel in time. “Sure but there’s a paradox with time travelling”I replied, “if everyone traveled in time how they wanted, there would be no order of cause and effect and basically, I could be the father to myself, which of course not is possible ?””No, but according to the latest theories this universe is only one of all the possible universes” replied Gorb while he happily grinning drove away with his Deloran, gone at the corner of the street he  honked loud a few times and waved through the window, then he was gone.

Return Agains last trip

Return Again was happy but exhausted after the trance and sat therefore for a while at the smoldering fire. Suddenly he saw a raw of his ancestors come walking, his great-grandmother and great-grandfather, his wife who had died several years earlier, also archaic chiefs that he had never seen before, all greeted him with the reverence that the seriousness demanded, they were now all part of the Indians happy hunting ground. In the endless grass widths he saw animals of all kind grazing peacefully of the juicy grass. Here he would have a good time.


Epilogue: Chicago November 6, 2016

Outside an election local in a snowy Chicago Ted Bronx and his fiance Matha stood frozen and watched on a giant television monitor on one of the walls. Kvackes happy Nuna and his hair pomade appeared there. “Bless you America; I hope you do not choose this woman, she has not been able to satisfy her husband, how will she be able to satisfy America? No, there is a need for a strong man to restore America’s place in the world, do not let the Chinese take your jobs … “Suddenly it all became too much for the overloaded electrical system, a stopper went somewhere and the fault propagated through the city’s myriad  of power lines, it was perhaps best to go home now, they could of course vote tomorrow instead of voting in advance at the post office as they had planned. Home in the apartment was it dark and no TV to stare at.”Matha” whispered Ted, ” yes”, she answered, Ted continued, “I got a strange shuddering feeling when I listened to Kvacke, I had intended to vote for him, but there is something that don’t go together- I actually think it can go ‘straight danger to to the spout turn’ as my grandmother’s sister from Småland used to say. “Matha said she also had some doubts, “but Ted now we think of something else than the election.” They crept along under the bed covers and about nine months later gave Matha birth to a shapely female child who she named Rosa.

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